RIP Edition
(50 pages, A4, printed, in English)

This is the print edition from the well-known online zine Morbid Sounds, which give up at the end of last year. In the foreword they write about the reasons for the end. So this print edition is the legacy of the crew from southern Germany, limited to 150 copies and hand numbered. The zine is high quality printed and the layout absolutely professional. I think the matter can be titled “the best, the rest and the rare” because it occurs some of the best interviews done for the online issue, some new ones and in the end some reviews about the favourite stuff of the team. The featured bands are Dark Tranquillity, Hearse, Evocation, Bolt Thrower but also Apocalyptica and Armored Saint, which is a nice mixture. The interviews are well written, informative and its fun to read them. So, well done and I hope to hear and read from them again. To all others get your issue for 3,-Euro from,

Stefan Hagmayer

Stefan Hagmayer

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