The Dark Matter
(Xtreem Music)
"But Jonathan told me that in Nangilima (…) is a cheerful time full of joy and play. Yes, there played the people, of course, they worked well and helped each other at all, but they also played a lot and sang and danced (…)." I was really surprised when I discovered the origin of the band name NANGILIMA. The quote is an extract from the children’s book "The Brothers Lionheart" ("Bröderna Lejonhjärta") by the Swedish author Astrid Lindgren. Nangilima, the land of bliss and felicity. Rather an unorthodox name for a band playing some kind of Doom or Funeral Black Metal. But since NANGILIMA are also from Sweden I guess they have chosen the name pointedly. So unconventionally the name may be, musically there is, however, a rather average and familiar outcome. Four song (plus intro & outro), slow played with a very dominant piano, deep grunting vocals, sometimes spoken words. Generally spoken I have always one problem with such music – I must be in a certain mood to listen to it. A sunny, non-working day and this music is just boring. But in more calmed down situation the music does its best to take you on a journey, like a daydream. So does "The Dark Matter". Did I write average above? Well, that is just because there are plenty of Doom Metal bands out there which are on the same level. For one it is a good produced and played Doom / Funeral Metal release, otherwise nothing spectacular or high-class music. Fans of the genre may visit the bandcamp site of NANGILIMA at this place: http://nangilimadoom.bandcamp.com to make up their own minds. www.facebook.com/nangilimadoom, www.xtreemmusic.com
Mirco Szymyslik