Prophecy Of The Decadent
(Twilight Vertrieb)

Fast Black Metal blending influences from newer DARK FUNERAL and traditional Nordic Black Metal this duo from Israel has to offer on their first full-length after a demo in 2001. As typical for lots of the Black Metal-duos or solitary musicians out there a drum computer can be found on this one as well, but since the production of this effort turns out to be a little too clean, too sterile to convey any negative emotions or cold, intense, dark atmospheres it does not hurt that much. Though NECRODAEMON certainly don’t lack musical skill – manifesting in a number of very classic, elaborated Metal-leads – or a feel for variety, even some good lyrical ideas they have to offer, this mixture is a) too exhausted and unoriginal b) too emotionless to arouse any interest. Though this is a quite subjective view, a band that only makes my mind enumerate the countless Black Metal bands that are excellent these days, shows how superfluous this album is. If you should happen to have not enough of fast, pretty polished sounding Black Metal give NECRODAEMON a chance, but who in the world needs “polished sounding Black Metal” at all?!? for sound samples and further info…

Stefan Franke

Stefan Franke

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