Esfiha Bombs
(AreaDeath Productions)
Do you like music of any kind? Well, then NEW YORK AGAINST THE BELZEBU is not for you! You like the sound of a traffic accident? Then you might like “Esfiha Bombs”. But I ain’t sure, since a traffic accident surely has a better production… Some facts: NEW YORK AGAINST THE BELZEBU are from Brazil, “Esfiha Bombs” is their sixth album and was originally released in 2001 on CD-R. It seems to be a concept album, dealing with the events of 9/11, at least song titles like ‘Mohamed Atta’, ‘Jehad Is Our Mission’ or ‘America Under Attack’ hint on that. What you hear are sound samples from reports about the attack on the WTC, interrupted by noise that shouldn’t be mistaken with music, segmented into 21 “songs”. The noise was played in a rehearsal room, but recorded from outside the building, so it has the same musical content as musicians falling down the stairs alongside their instruments. The questions remain: why was this rubbish put on CD? Why was it sold to people? And, most important, why the fuck was this shit even re-released? I don’t fuckin’ know. Maybe there’s a message? You might find out if you check:, or:
Thomas Meyer