Storming Evil
(High Roller Records)

Evil, graves, demons, tyrants, damnation, death, darkness, crushing, fire, ripping, death again, darkness again… If I was offered to listen to an album with such a tracklist, recorded by a new Thrash band that I have never heard before, I would trust my cliché-o-meter and ignore it. That album would be, most probably, way too reminiscent of the porridge that was served in “The Hound Of The Baskervilles” every morning, noon and evening. Very few Thrash bands nowadays are capable of making an album that sounds so authentic and convincing that such titles would complement the tracks, rather than emphasize the band’s lack of identity. NOCTURNAL is one of these bands that can spice up that annoying portion of porridge with lots of feel and riffs that are good enough to make it taste like a gourmet meal. The previously published sample track ‘Rising Demons’ sounds like a step forward from "Violent Revenge" production-wise and made an impression that an above average album should be expected from NOCTURNAL (again), and it really is. Those who are familiar with the band’s previous works pretty much know what to expect and they shouldn’t be disappointed – there are many memorable riffs à la DESTRUCTION, but the production is better this time and the vocals are a massive step forward as well. Tyrannizer sounds really possessed this time and lots of confidence can be felt in her voice. The new drummer also does a great work and adds to the intensity of the songs, while the drums sound is a total delight. Expect no sound replacement / triggers or any other crap, that makes too many bands nowadays sound wimpy. These drums sound like actual drums. The album’s cover artwork is also worth a mention, because it’s probably the first cover artwork that Phil Lawvere has done after a damn long period. It looks good, but the fact that Lawvere recently created covers for HIRAX, MINOTAUR and EXMORTUS all of which look way too similar actually resembles the aforementioned porridge once again, but NOCTURNAL are not the ones to blame. This cover looks good and really fits this album. When all is said and done, A NIFELHEIM interview where “Germans should start playing GERMAN METAL” was said comes to mind while listening to "Storming Evil" over an over again. If you want a Thrash album that kicks some serious ass – check this one out!,,

Sergei Pismeny

Sergei Pismeny

Related reviews / interviews:
NOCTURNAL - Violent Revenge (Mario Cubero )

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