Das Kapital
(Scarlet Records)

Modern Scandinavian styled Thrash Metal is what we are being offered by these four Italian metalheads. The whole music is enriched by some progressive elements but NODE also have enough melody and hymnic feeling to make it big on the European market I think. The singer actually sings / shouts in the classic Thrash Metal way that once was popular – and he does it in a convincing and controlled way. Instrumentation is clearly above average and flawless (a QUEENSRYCHE – cover is included), as well as the production which took place at Underground Studios (TERROR 2000 or CARNAL FORGE) with guests from HATESPHERE and CARNAL FORGE. So the audience for this record is clear, right? A good one for all into modern skilled Thrash as well as for those with a slightly more traditional taste in Metal. Website:

Ulrich Kreienbrink

Ulrich Kreienbrink

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NODE - Sweatshops (Ramon Claassen)

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