Ruins Of Reality
(Skinforge Records)
NUCLEAR SALVATION (a kinda hilarious band name if you ask me) is a somewhat young Swedish Thrash / Death Metal act that has put 2 albums out thus far. The band’s debut "The Beginning Of The End" saw the light of day in 2011, undoubtedly kicking some doors down in front of them to become more known in some underground Metal circles. Without having the band’s debut, NUCLEAR SALVATION’s follow-up record, "Ruins Of Reality", is said to be a bit more melodic effort from these ambitiously deathrashing Swedes, plus overall containing of more diversity generally speaking. Now having had a chance to hear this 3 or 4 times in a row, it’s an undeniable fact these guys are packed with lotsa skills to come up with a pretty entertaining load of modern mixture of both Thrash and Death Metal. Not only Benjamin’s hostile grunts link NUCLEAR SALVATION to Death Metal – the modern kind, but also some of their heavy, bones-crushing riffs could be seen used by some Death Metal acts, too. Most of the time the band’s comfort zone is the untamed energies pumping Thrash Metal territory though where they do a somewhat splendid job all in all, straightening all the curves straight. The riffing is tight all over the album – and their music is aggressive and fast paced, which obviously do serve the band’s purpose well enough to become acknowledged as that one modern sounding yet very promising new Thrash Metal band from Sweden – with some Death Metal overtones clearly attached to their vicious bombardment of Thrash riffs and stuff. This stuff, however, isn’t as dangerous to use as a dry gun powder in the middle of a burning grass field but it’s still powerful enough to give a memorable kick straight to your groin area, which you’ll surely remember afterwards. As far as the album credits go, a special mention must be given go out to drummer Andreas Risberg for his drum work, by using 1 full and a half arms only. Martin van Drunen (HAIL OF BULLETS, ASPHYX) has nicknamed him as ‘the DEF LEPPARD drummer of Death Metal’ already. Martin would have hardly put his words any better… Andreas is indeed pretty incredible behind his drum battery really, keeping the beats and tempos accurate and varied through the entire album. Also, as far as some special guests on "Ruins Of Reality" are concerned – or in this album’s case just a guest musician, guitarist Steve Myth (FORBIDDEN, ex – NEVERMORE) plays a tasteful spot-on solo in a song called ‘Rise’. Need more? Dunno. Just go and get this album for yourself, okay? NUCLEAR SALVATION website:, label:
Luxi Lahtinen