Down With The Nails
(Tyrant Syndicate / Peaceville Records )
9 tracks of pure old school Metal attack is what you can expect of this album. Almost nothing, besides the improved sound, changed here. Okay, there is the voice that also did a change; it is less screamed this time, now it sounds like a mixture of Tom G. Warrior and a huge monster, hrhr. The playing time of 34 minutes is okay. And well – you just should try to get this CD at your local record store. The cover painting looks well, I just would like to know when exactly a vinyl edition will be unleashed – I heard some business problems did appear and this must be hurting inside the hearts of these vinyl maniacs of OLD. If you do not know the band yet: they are playing a kind of Thrash Metal in the vein of Hellhammer / Celtic Frost with some Darkthrone influences, too. www.tyrantsyndicate.com.