Room Service
(Mighty Music)
Well, when I heard the first riff and the first incredible fast drum beats of the short opener ‘Tomorrow’ I thought “hell yes – this is cool”, but as soon as Bo Summer’s first growls emerged the speakers I was disappointed. How can you ruin a great production, powerful and effective old school Death Metal riffing and brutal speed with such boring vocals that also have been manipulated in the studio and sound extreme clinical and definitely not brutal??? In my opinion they destroy the whole CD, there are some nice leads, driving not too complex riffs, heavy shredding parts, thunderous grooves etc – to sum it up: musically everything that makes a good Death Metal CD a good Death Metal CD – but Bo Summer and some short, totally superfluous keyboard parts fuck it all up!!! I do not want to drive the poor guy into suicide with my harsh words and I guess some people who are less picky with vocals than I am might even enjoy “Room Service”, but I do my best to be honest about every album I have to review and this is nothing more than good produced crap… and the cover of ‘Metal Church’ is a crime! Fuck, the more I talk about this CD, the more I hate it, so I stop reviewing it here now. Visit www.mightymusic.dk and check out if they have MP3’s or more information on PANZERCHRIST there.
Stefan Franke