Consuming Aberration
(Pulverised Records)
What if Swedish Death Metal worshippers were absorbing the darkest radiance of the South American Black Death Metal? That answer could possibly be found in the latest Chilean Death Metallers PUTRID YELLL’s “Consuming Aberration”. A cold yet delightful debut album that is showcasing the quality of death, riffs and the exoticism of their roots. For a new entity that has only released three splits since their inception in the year of 2012, their first album is quite impressive. Something that might turn heads if you worship the strain of ENTOMBED and the other likes of Swedish old Metallers. The quest for Death Metal in the style of “Consuming Aberration” begins with the track ‘The Search’. It is very obvious that this song is a lethal mix of many Swedish Metal classics. One significant way to glorify the Swedish cult is by exhuming their filthy legacy and unleashing it in PUTRID YELL’s very own style. The horror-esque aura of the first track fits very well with the upcoming attack, ‘Consuming Aberration’. Both tracks have an unusual melody that is clearly worth savoring. They are extremely memorable and play the perfect tunes of old Death Metal, just like their Gods intended. The triumph of buzzsaw riffage is easily established in the next three songs, particularly ‘Desire Of Death’. The archaic feel of morbid Metal is loud and clear. The wailing solo over doomy rhythms adds a certain dynamic to the eerie atmosphere they want to manifest. The album progresses with another two fairly decent fast tracks, ‘Re-Animator’ and ‘Forgotten Souls’. Yet again, the funereal solos of those songs are quite impressive. What is more interesting is that the second shredder always has an enormous amount of hooks that perfectly resonate with the straight-forward massive drum barrage. Next up is ‘Charred Corpses’ and their single ‘Indescribable Evil Instinct’. There isn’t anything that will lead the listeners to avoid them. The intoxicating groove in the middle of their fifth attack is inevitable, which also proves that the band has much more to offer. The album goes beyond when ‘Indescribable Evil Instinct’ comes ripping. The twisted punkish elements combine sheer speed flawlessly to amplify their wicked composition, as the title suggests. Their forthcoming effort is ‘Process Through Death’. As the intro subsides, the spirit of the song is pretty much summoning undead listeners from the surrounding soil. As for many people, that kind of atmosphere is what generates hype and causes the total aesthetic of extreme music that emerged from the formula of Swedeath. Some work, some don’t. However, PUTRID YELL is definitely a damn thing among a thousand Swedish retro revivalists. Especially when ‘Deadly Ashes’ comes haunting before you. A strong evidence that they were not here only to demonstrate the madness of horrifying Death Metal, but also the essence of dark music. This acoustic experimental track is a great and unexpected juxtaposition that helps the listener to breathe and continue their journey through the maze of obscure music. The album closes with ‘Wrenching Putrid Yell’. What a perfect ending to wrap up such a remarkable opus. Pummeling and rumbling wrapped in an old school manner. This is certainly a potent slab of Metal that can make underground enthusiasts bang their heads to the grave. The production of “Consuming Aberration” is marvelous under the helm of Cristian Leon at Lion’s Roar Studio and Damien Herring at Subterranean Watchtower Studio. The sound of every instrument complements each other and fits their style of music perfectly. One thing that the listener should be aware of is that this recording shines at maximum volume. The brilliant cover album by Putrid Matt also stands as a comprehensive work that will leave the listeners and viewers to explore beyond a surface level of the putridity of PUTRID YELL. In short, this debut album is a worthwhile and excellent package if you’re into the decent Swedish Death Metal that a lot of people have admired over the decades. If you need more validation, check out the following links: www.facebook.com/putridyellchile, www.facebook.com/pulverisedrecords
Yoga Ghotama