When Life Has Ceased
(Unholy Domain Records)
PUTRID YELL keeps up to the tradition of Chilean quality Death Metal. Specially in the last few years, it seems you can’t go wrong with anything coming from Chile. In this case, PUTRID YELL takes their influence from the NWOSDM era. "When Life Has Ceased" relies on a raw and direct approach to mid paced Death Metal with simple, yet extremely catchy and heavy songs. The production will take you straight back to 1990, with that heavy buzz saw guitar tone, thick bass and punchy drums. It may be very similar to ENTOMBED’s sound, but these guys add their very own spice to it. Specially in the vocal department. Rod Nihilist mixes growls with some mid pitched grunts that border on D-Beat structures. The last song is a cover version of IMPETIGO’s ‘Boneyard’. Due to the background and the style of the band, this song surprised me right away. And they pulled it out nicely. I really don’t know if this demo tape is still available, because it was limited to 200 copies. But if you manage to find a copy, get it. Contact the band here: http://putridyell.bandcamp.com. You can also contact their label here: www.facebook.com/unholydomainrecs
Alfonso Perez