Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum
(Dark Essence Records)
Old school, heavy and murky Death Metal from the Ukraine, song titles written and sung completely in Latin? That’s quite an extraordinary concept, isn’t it? As the label’s info kit enlightens us about the band name that also came along with the band’s promotional CD titled "Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum", it says roughly "the name RATTENFÄNGER is taken from the legend of the Pied Piper of Hamelin (Rattenfänger von Hamelin), who was hired by the townsfolk of Hameln, Germany, to get rid off the rats of the town that had overrun it. Unfortunately he was deceived and cheated for his payment, so he makes a plan for a dreadful revenge on the citizens of Hameln". So there. As for the album’s content itself, which should be our main focus of interest, well… I guess I am not lying when I am telling you this is stuff that represents some ridiculously pummeling and brilliant old school Death Metal that truly goes through your mind and body… and somewhat easily even. RATTENFÄNGER combine some primitiveness of bands like HELLHAMMER and CELTIC FROST, bone-crushing heaviness of WINTER and some truly unorthodox and clever song arrangements of IMMOLATION – also added are some haunting atmospheres into their pitch-black soup by the use of keyboards. This Ukrainian 4-piece band basically kicks ass on all possible levels, having created such a devastatingly great both sound and concept for this record that will most likely keep your ears nailed to "Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum" for a couple of extra spins… and days or weeks or months. Considering RATTENFÄNGER is just a project act created by the members of DRUDKH, OLD SILVER KEY, BLOOD OF KINGU, DARK AGES, etc., the guys should seriously make RATTENFÄNGER as their main priority act. Why I hear you asking next? Because here’s seriously a very potential contender to be the "Death Metal album of 2012" in my sincere opinion. That’s why. No idea about any webpages about RATTENFÄNGER, but you can always try to get more info about this fantastic Ukrainian Death Metal act through their label at: www.darkessencerecords.no or www.karismarecords.no
Luxi Lahtinen