Anatomy Of Sickness
(Psycho Records)
Poland keeps producing killer bands over and over so easily that you may want to ask if there’s something in the air or the water because these guys have countless bands doing amazing jobs. A good example of this is REGICIDE DECEASE, created back in 2008 and recently bringing their debut full length album “Anatomy Of Sickness” through the also Polish label Psycho Records. Despite the fact that the title may sound pretty much into a gory approach, the truth is that these guys feel very comfortable in the traditional Death Metal field, especially adding some US influences to their sound that reminds the “Epidemic Of Violence” in some passages where things get a little bit more catchy. Said that, is possible to remark some Thrash influences combined with the old school approach they follow, but I would not rate these guys as Thrash Death or Death Thrash because their sound and and the overall proposal is too heavy, so let’s say is a raw form of catchy heavy Death Metal. The voices are pretty much into the same vibe of the music, you know those voices when Death Metal was emerging such as MORGOTH / UNLEASHED… grasp, deep and very well phrasing the lyrics…however, in case of REGICIDE DECEASE I hear some strange weird kind of spoken parts that turned the whole thing pretty creepy and evil… let’s say that was pretty much my reaction when I heard Attila’s voices on MAYHEM’s “De Mysteriis…” album. The sound and the mix are simply excellent, clear, heavy and overall crude enough to praise the real scent of what Death Metal is about to be… the overall artwork is really good, band and individual pictures, along with lyrics and all the wicked stuff on a cover that delights Death Metal maniacs like me. In conclusion, another item coming out of Poland that is recommended for the zombies that keep searching more Death Metal to calm the insatiable thirst for real Metal without pose. www.myspace.com/regicidedecease, www.wydawnictwopsycho.com
Ronald Jimenez