(Schwarzdorn Production)
Fans of Norwegian based Black Metal legion SVARTTJERN should watch out here. REPULSIVE AGGRESSION from Oslo has Saether (axe and 4 strings) and ex – SVARTTJERN Holter (in the vocal department) in its ranks. The trio, which was brought to life in 2008, is completed by drummer Nodset from FRAIL GROUND (with whom I am not familiar with). Despite being quite close to the Norge Black Metal scene this outfit doesn’t come up with a blackened sound of total darkness. Instead of that we get an aggressive, very well executed brand of Death / Thrash Metal which is very refreshing and delivers over 40 minutes of sheer headbanging madness. "Conflagration" consists of ten cool tracks whose riffing is definately revelling in the Thrash territory. I really enjoy that fact. The different musical experiences and backgrounds of each member are skillfully incorporated into the overall sound. This makes the metallic offering varied and interesting at once and guarantees some extra spins in your CD player. The technical level is high but without annoying the listener with guitar wanking of any kind. The skills are for the sake of the songs to create the best entertainment possible. In my humble opinion the album has just killers but no fillers. Tunes like the uncompromising and straight title track, the powerful opener ‘Necrosis’, ‘Plaguebringer’ (a hypnotizing, heavy steamroller) or the intense ‘Sub Human Destruction’ (great mid pace with raging speed outbursts) are just examples of the high quality songwriting of these three Northmen. Great breaks, exquisite leads, pounding drums, a wide range in the speed department – this disc has it all. The production is up to date, crispy and powerful. It has the right vibe and isn’t clinical at all like on a lot of today’s releases. Finally again an excellent record from this Northern European country which is not in the Black Metal vein and worth the hard earned bucks. For more info visit either the band’s page at www.facebook.com/repulsiveaggression or the label’s site www.schwarzdorn.de.
Michael Oelschlegel