Issue # 4
(120 pages, A4, printed, in English)
Out from the shadows of the cold city of Praha (Prague) the capital city of the Czech Republic now hails this latest incarnation of Metal insanity from the editor, Cem Yucel, who once brought to you the magazine called G.A.M. from Turkey. Reinvention never read so good! With the migration to the Czech Republic, the fanzine’s name change to RIDDLE OF STEEL and for sure a more balanced, professional and well oiled machine now rests at the side of its creator like a expertly detailed AK-47. RIDDLE as it called by most, is an actual hand-held Metal fanzine, presented on all pro-printed glossy paper. An assured blast from the past, that not only lends its steel bearing hand in support to those artists, writers, and groups who established this worldwide scene, yet also lends its support to those newer to the U/G with an eager attitude and openness of policy not readily seen in these times. Featuring three contributors; Fethi Baskurt – a Sgt. Major currently serving in the Turkish Army, Mark Gamble from Ireland, and yours truly from here in the United States. RIDDLE is dedicated to the Black, Death and Speed-Thrash genres, with over 200 reviews, each one concise and to the point, with the addition of a few exceptions. Interviews are as follows: ARCKANUM, ADALRUNA, ADVERSAM, AINULINDALE, ALCEST, ALMIGHTY SATHANAS, ASHRAM, AUTUMN TEARS, BAL-SAGOTH, BLOODY RITUAL, CRIMSON MOON, DAEMONOLITH, DE MAGIA VETERUM, DENIAL OF GOD, DORNENREICH, DRAWN & QUARTERED, ENDSTILLE, FEARBRINGER, FORGOTTEN WOODS, FORTÍÐ, GLOOMY GRIM, GODLESS RSING, HACAVITZ, KROHM, LE TRISTE SIRE, NIFLHEIM, NUCLEUS TORN, NUN-SLAUGHTER, RIMFROST, RUINS OF BEVERAST, SATANIC WARMASTER, SAURON, TENHI, THE BEAUTY OF GEMINA, TOTAL HATE, TRELLDOM, WALLACHIA and YOUR SHAPELESS BEAUTY. Contact: Cem Yucel, P.O. Box 253, 11121 Praha 1, Czech Republic or or
Wes Rhodes