(Dark Essence Records)
Black Heavy? Heavy Black? Heavy? Black? The bottle does not matter as much as the drunkenness it says… With SLEGEST, we get both! There is a lot of things in this album to satisfy a lot of underground freaks. An album apparently filled with basic riffs but riddled with small beads of melodies and catchy breaks. SLEGEST does the job perfectly and thanks to his knowledge exploits all recipes of Grandma and delivers an amazing new offering! The opening track ‘Blodets Varme Gjennom Meg’ brings here pure mid-tempo Rock’n’Roll, we just get a furious envy to stomp, the ideal entry, the stage is set! Just next ‘Undergangens Tankesmed’ is in the same vein with a melodic guitare line à la IRON MAIDEN. Then ‘Maler Lys I Mørketid’ brings more heaviness than the 2 openers. Here it smells whisky and leather through every pore. It is dirty as fuxxen fuxx but sometimes dirty rhymes with beauty, especially when a guitar solo appears at the end of the track to magnify the whole (war) ensemble. Number 4 is coming with ‘Da Brenne I Glåsi’… This one really eclipses the other tracks. Totally epic!! From his majestic and disturbing entrance to its sublime and airy melodies, this title is very unifying and could please a broad audience of Metalheads. Well done guys!! It continues with ‘I Den Sanne Flamme’: pure Rock’n’Roll (part II) here. The chorus is wrapped up in a heavy guitar riff that enters your head immediately. Then the kiss of death ‘Dødskyss’… arggggh this guitar tremolo solo in the middle of the track is pure gem!!! Chills in no time! Winter is coming (soon). The following one called ‘Leitar’ means the return of heaviess, basic and purely efficient! The voice / throat here carries the track where rage and emergency takes place. Suddenly and unfortunately, we already reach the last song named ‘Den Onde Sirkel’… The march towards glory and the perfect closing song, nothing more to say, let’s discover by yourself. SLEGEST… VREID… GEHENNAH… Norway really has that little bit more, that little taste of coming back will. Long live SLEGEST!! Get more information here: www.facebook.com/slegestofficial, www.darkessencerecords.no
Sined-Erriep Ohr