Sól Án Varma
(Ván Records)

SÓL ÁN VARMA, which translates to Sun without Radiance, is a collaboration between members of some of Iceland’s most prominent Black Metal bands. This special collaboration comes into existence to play a one-off show at the Roadburn Festival in 2018 with material exclusively composed for that occasion. The cooperation was conceived by T.I. (CARPE NOCTEM, MISÞYRMING, NAÐRA) and D.G. (MARTRÖD, MISÞYRMING, NAÐRA, SKÁPHE) and further involved G.E. (MISÞYRMING, NAÐRA, SVARTIDAUÐI), Á.B.Z. (CARPE NOCTEM, ÁRSTÍÐIR LÍFSINS), M.S. (SVARTIDAUÐI, DROTTINN), S.V. (SVARTIDAUÐI, DROTTINN) and H.V. (WORMLUST). After performing this colossal piece which garnered some well-deserved attention, they went into the studio to record the whole as an album, which has now been released. The record is formally divided into twelve titles, however as the album was nevertheless conceived as a coherent piece for the stage, it’s meant to be consumed in its entirety and ideally without interruption. So, in one go, the whole length would genuinely feel like a natural collaboration between these musicians that offer atmospheric and dissonant Black Metal, which their country has become known for. Fantastic Icelandic Black Metal epics like ‘Revelations Of The Red Sword’ or ‘Söngvar Elds Og Óreiðu’ or ‘The Feral Wisdom’ will come to mind. However, the Icelanders skilfully mastered the challenge of maintaining the suspense for almost seventy minutes. It’s because the tempo varies frequently, between slower to sluggish, dissonance to distorted, and doomy to raging, everything is there. These will be most evident in tracks like ‘Afbrigði I’, ‘Afbrigði II’, ‘Afbrigði V’, and ‘Afbrigði VII’ and also, they will reveal additional details with repeated listening. Like the insanity of MISÞYRMING, the churning chaos of SVARTIDAUÐI or the psychedelic essence of ZHRINE will be unleashed and provoked for many more repeats. With all these, “Sól Án Varma” is an exclusive record of its own, which blends in a highly intense experience and provides a mesmerizing journey into Icelandic Black Metal. A full album stream is available at https://solanvarma.bandcamp.com, for more SÓL ÁN VARMA information please visit www.facebook.com/vanrecords

Randolph Whateley

Randolph Whateley

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