Engraved Flesh
(My Kingdom Music)

Everybody who has grown up in the greatest Death Metal era will agree to the statement that – nowadays – this once so pure style has been widely mixed and diluted. So a real and honest Death Metal release is a rare occasion and still warmly welcome! Even if I’m a little bit astonished about SYMBOLYC’s home country – Italy is not really a leading Death Metal nation – is their debut after several years of underground dedication a more than positive surprise. "Engraved Flesh" – originally self-released in 2008 – is in every way a typical middle 90s Death Metal release and the 9 tracks are offering brutal Death Metal with a slightly technical approach and a extreme high headbanging factor. SYMBOLYC have furthermore chosen a more than adequate record studio to give their music the necessary clear sound and transparency and it’s no surprise that My Kingdom Music has decided to release this album to a wider audience. Due to the fact that my own Death Metal favorites – for example the German elk fanatics FLESHCRAWL – are playing exactly this stuff of sick music is "Engraved Flesh" really an enjoyable half an hour of traditional Death Metal. I don’t need 200 bpm or tales from the Egypt tomb to make me happy – a fucking Death Metal grenade is half of the deal – so enjoy this nine course menu!,,

Matthias Auch

Matthias Auch

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