...Und Ihre Fürchterlichen Gesänge
(Ván Records)

When being exposed to new music, from time to time one faces bands whose style blurs the line between genres. One cannot find enough aspects to define what one is listening to. I think the Austrian trio TABULA RASA fits in that category perfectly. “…Und Ihre Fürchterlichen Gesänge” is their debut EP, courtesy of Ván Records. Their previous material is a single released in 2022. Now, regarding their music, I can hear a Black Metal background, but not in the usual way (if such a “way” actually exists). Their style is more simplistic, with absence of blast beats and / or D-beats. They never really reach high speeds, with mainly mid to slow tempos and a noticeable Punk influence. MISFITS could be a good point of reference here, just a bit more sinister and less intense. There are two short instrumental (?) pieces which may or may not add to the atmosphere and four songs that constantly shift between the aforementioned styles. Clean and melodic vocals mix with Black Metal shrieks. Straightforward guitar riffs, alternating between tremolo and open chords, closely followed by the bass guitar. The drums add a lot to the Punk feel, although I can’t find anything really interesting in these performances besides some strategically placed variations in rhythm and mood. The production is a little lacking, although I think this is exactly what these guys were going for. The guitar tone is a bit muffled, but the bass rises to the occasion, providing a good backbone along the organic and natural sounding drums. The instruments are well balanced and the vocals are front and center featuring a nice delay from time to time to enhance some parts. Overall, “…Und Ihre Fürchterlichen Gesänge” is one of those releases that stand out because of their peculiarity. This is their first step into their identity and sound development. It could be really interesting to see how things move forward. You can support TABULA RASA at and follow their label at

Alfonso Perez

Alfonso Perez

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