Breath Of Repugnance
(Great Dane Records)
TALES OF BLOOD is a new band for me. They have been kicking around since 2002 (earlier if you count their BLOODBATH days) and they play a good mix of old school Death Metal, with a bit of the typical SweDeath worship. The guitar tone is a good combo of both styles, so this makes things a bit more interesting and this is what kept me drawn in for much of the 34-minute runtime. The production is good and just about typical, the guitars have that heavy crunch that makes the riffing stand out. I would even say the guitars are what carry the songs and will be what draws listeners in. Mainly there is a faster and meaner BOLT THROWER style happening here, even the vocalist has a slight Karl Willets tone to his voice. Listen to ‘Bloody Week’ and you can get plenty of that vibe. Even the cover art gives a nod to the old days, I like that. Nothing new, nothing groundbreaking, throw in some TORTURE KILLER, OBITUARY and BAPHOMET and you have an enjoyable quick-to-the-point listen. www.facebook.com/talesofblood, www.facebook.com/greatdanerecords
Will “Bones” Lee