Darkened Destiny
(New Era Productions)
Ok, so first off this is not the Norwegian Symphonic Black Metal band that released 2 albums back in the late 90s / early 2000s, no sir this is the band from the Netherlands who spewed out some classic 90s era Black Metal back in 2001. Being that the band lasted for only a short while i.e. having only issued 2 demos and the above mentioned under 30 minutes full length album, these guys captured the essence of what GEHENNA / INQUISITION / IMMORTAL did with early on in their albums but TATAROS does it in a slower speed than the above mentioned icons. The intro to this 6 track slab of raw kvlt-ness starts the mood off on the right note, nothing like some atmospheric synthesizers… and done in the right way where the intro does not drag on and on. If your expecting 1349’s speed Black Metal or anything of that nature, then this will be a let down for you. Instead as I previously mentioned this is old school and the style that I really enjoy… not too fast and not too slow. The guitars and vocals have a great sound on here, but the drums felt drowned out and not to punchy. The guitar riffs tend to progress nicely in certain parts of the songs but quickly return to the status quo. You do have the hypnotizing guitar sound that made Black Metal so famous in the second wave of Black Metal in the 90s. I had a bit of trouble with the songwriting though as some of the songs sounded the same and really did not provide something that distinctly made each track stand on their own (except for the intro and outro tracks). Not to say that I did not like the songs, which I do since it brings nostalgia to a time when your mind could just drift off listening to a song and be hooked on the moment. Things really pick up though with the song ‘Bloodcoloured Snow’, the tempo picks up a few bpm but quickly returning to the mid tempo mesmerizing beat. It is a shame these guys broke up only after one full length album, as I would be interested to see where they would have ended up musically if they had stuck around for a few more albums. Whatever the reason for the breakup it is still good to know that labels like New Era Productions have the ear to re-issue a gem that would have otherwise possibly have been lost in time and dust. For more info: www.new-era-productions.nl
Jaime Perez