Sulphur Storm
Usually PROFANATICA, BLASPHEMY, BEHERIT-inspired stuff instantly makes me hot but in the case of Germany’s TEPHERET there are way too many things that annoy me and keep me from recommending this demo to worshippers of blasphemous noise from hell. First of all the drum PC is utter crap, the only way to get this shitty "instrument" out of the Metal genre is to be intolerant when it is used, then there are the vocals which are way to silent and absolutely unrecognizable. Positive things are the ripping, violent guitar sound, the other musical elements on "Sulphur Storms" should either be removed, replaced or improved, because despite this rather disappointing first release I would not totally give up on ex-MORRIGAN’s Baldur new band. Maybe a human drummer, a better balanced sound, a little more time and effort on song writing would help TEPHERET. What I consider most important is that the vocals become audible, because what would those legendary inspirators TEPHERET name in the info sheet be without their extraordinary cult-vocals? Quite badly performed primitive Metal with an utter extreme noise level, that’s what TEPHERET are right now, hopefully they do their best to become more than that. Sounds and infos can be found at, the tape is available for 3 Euro / $, but to get the postal address you should send an email to
Stefan Franke