Issue # 7
(76 pages, A5, printed, in English)
Not too long ago I was contacted by a guy named Medarov from Bulgaria, who asked me for the permission to use my MAGNANIMVS interview in his zine TEROZIN. I wasn’t aware of his zine at that point yet, but since I had nothing to loose and always love to see interviews in print, I agreed to it right away. Now I received the issue and really enjoy what I see. The zine comes in half-size, DIN A5 format (just like the first 3 VOICES print issues) and looks exactly like a true underground fanzine should look like. You won’t find boring perfection here, instead TEROZIN really breathes the old spirit of the early zines that made the underground so special until high glossy, full colored mags took over and ruined almost everything. I would always prefer zines such as TEROZIN over those sterile zines that try to come across as perfect as possible, since you notice right from the get go, that this was put together by someone who really loves what he’s writing about. Issue # 7 has 76 pages and most of them are used for interviews, that are all pretty enjoyable to read. The list of names should easily reveal, that TEROZIN is meant to be a total underground publication: CONCRETE WINDS, HERXHEIM, CRUCIFIER, ESTENOSIS, MAGOG, PACTO AMEN, MAGNANIMVS, A.K.U., TOMB, WARFARE NOISE and CAIXAO. I don’t really understand at all why a band like CIRCLE OF DAWN, which sympathizes with right wing idologies and also works with labels of that kind, also received a bigger feature in here. Metal is a global thing, so where’s the sense in supporting bands with an attitude like this? On the other hand, editor Medarov was kind enough to let us use his CONCRETE WINDS interview, so you can easily find out about how he approaches his interviews in general. The zine gets completed by 57 reviews, 13 of them are about other fanzines, and there’s also two pretty unusual features in here as well. One entitled “War” is an interview with a man who survived a year with his family during the Bosnian conflict in 1992 (it was originally posted in an Ukrainian forum and was translated to English for this issue). The other feature is a South American travel report from Philipp Kretschmer, who runs TEMPLE OF ADORATION zine and plays drums in NECROCARNATION. So, all in all this is very entertaining stuff and since it sells for the ridiculous low price of 2 Euro (plus postage), you shouldn’t hesitate to get yourself a copy. Contact Medarov for additional postage costs at terozin@abv.bg or visit his blog at http://terozin.blogspot.com.
Frank Stöver
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