The Chronicles Of Natural City
(Wolfshade Records)

Anyone into Dark Ambient Metal? This one might be for you, if you’re a masochist as well. THE NIGHTSTALKER is a one-man project from Belgium, run by Serpent of SERCATI, supported by his band mate Yannick on drums. “The Chronicles Of Natural City” marks the debut of this band. So much for the facts… Musically, this one is pretty silent and laid back. A piano, acoustic guitars, a church organ and some strings dominate the music. Sounds pretty relaxing, if you need a break from all the extreme stuff every now and then. “The Chronicles Of Natural City” might even be a relaxing record, if the vocals weren’t that disgusting. It’s nothing more than spoken words which should sound evil, but instead sound just silly, like from a bad movie. An exorcist with lung cancer maybe, or a disagreeable demon from a horror movie. Sorry, these vocals ruin the whole album. And, to be honest, the music is pretty boring as well, if you’re not in the mood to fall asleep as soon as possible. In short words: this album is rubbish! If you still want to check it out:,

Thomas Meyer

Thomas Meyer

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