The Valley Of Despair
(Great Dane Records)
Quanto stracazzo pestano! As you can see from my other reviews I always try to find a symbolic phrase for the band and the album object of the review and this time I am absolutely proud of doing it in Italian and for such a good release! THE TOMB is a Death Metal duo from Italy’s capitol city, Rome. The band is formed by Alessio Bucci on guitars – already active in some Death Metal bands – and Alessandro Nunziati on vocals – former and actual member of various projects spinning all different Metal genres. “The Valley Of Despair” is their first full length and second ever release after ‘In The Twilight’ single. On “The Valley Of Despair” the bass and the drum programming (sigh) are provided by the producer of the album. The entire 29 minutes are characterized by old school Death Metal and could be easily defined influenced by all the great Death Metal bands of the ’90s such as MASSACRE, CANNIBAL CORPSE, VOMITORY and and I could go on for hours. I really enjoyed the riffing – never obvious and classic at the same time! The growling is what you could expect and in some points it gives a higher touch of brutality. Brutality that is carried on by a good job on the drums – if it wasn’t for my job as a reviewer maybe I would never be aware that they used drum programming. Another shout out to the research in terms of solos, which seems to be a sore point with modern Death Metal bands – but the guys in THE TOMB are on the road for many years, so they know how to score! The album is very enjoyable and I would recommend a listen (you’ll find yourself listening to it more and more) to every Death Metal fan. Check them out at www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089694952841 and their label at www.facebook.com/greatdanerecords
Giulio Minto