Total Heresy
(Ván Records)
TRINITAS is a German / Swedish collaboration consisting of the well know protagonists Vargher, Tormentor and Azathoth. Somehow I missed their first EP, so I was pretty surprised who is behind this project when I randomly chose this review. All three members are or were in bands, I really appreciate, so it was pretty clear that the material can’t be bad. Stylewise the band offers raw Black Metal and listening to the tunes of course THRONE OF AHAZ and BEWITCHED came into my mind but also the influences of old BATHORY are pretty obvious, but the three musicians are solid enough to put their own stamp on their influences. Rumours say that Vargher wrote the music for this album within three weeks but of course you can’t hear that, as the material sounds matured and very solid. Knowing Vargher also his guitar work shows similarities to THRONE OF AHAZ. On his trip back into the early 90s he gets supported by the excellent drum work of Tormentor, who manages to play a raw style without sounding too simple or boring and the also excellent vocal art of Azathoth is very intense and the best match for Vargher‘s musical vision. The riffing is raw and diabolic, but also groovy here and there with a good doze of Punk and Black’n’Roll. Especially the solos like in ‘Supernova Lucifer’ are fantastic and proof enough that Vargher is one of the best guitar players in the Black Metal scene. ‘Rite Of The Necromancer’ is a hell of a song and again all three musicians deliver one of the best works in their joint career. But all nine songs are above average and definitely a new little classic in the Black Metal history. Fans of Vargher’s legacy, but also fans of old DARK FORTRESS can buy this album unchecked as it is definitely fantastic, raw enough, but no Black Metal trash. For more TRINITAS information, please check the following dark paths: www.facebook.com/trinitasblackmetal, www.facebook.com/vanrecords
Michael Kujawska