Destroy The Bastard And Trinity
(Def2Music Records)

Hmmm, this one is not to be categorized the easy way. According to the info sheet this English four piece combines "elements of Black, Death, Thrash and Gothic". The ingredients are undeniably the aforementioned ones but what sounds cheesy and pretentious actually works surprisingly well. This record has quite a bit of old Thrash Metal spirit blended together with blasting Black Metal passages and some dark Death Metal elements that stem rather from the beginning of the ninties than from the past five years. I don’t find too many Gothic influences on "Destroy The Bastard And Trinity" apart from some accoustic guitars and some clean vocals from singer Namaste (doesn’t that mean "Good Day" in Hindi?)… instead some moods typical of British Doom Metal bands can be found. What I like is that the band doesn’t rely on a specific generic songwriting formula. AlI in all TWISTED AUTUMN DARKNESS have released a varied album drawing from several metallic influences while maintaining a Black Metal edge. I cannnot think of another band that sounds comparable to tell you the truth but some parts are vaguely reminiscent of CELTIC FROST and old MORBID ANGEL in terms of mood, not necessarily riffing… don’t get confused by this lousy attempt to give you an impression: check them out as this band surely has potential! This may not be my favourite record but it is obvious that TWISTED AUTUMN DARKNESS have put a lot of effort into their creations. For more information contact Danny: Postal address: 34 Wharfedale, Carlton Colville, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR 33 8TA England. Label website:

Ulrich Kreienbrink

Ulrich Kreienbrink

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