Beating The Drums Of Ancestral Force
(20 Buck Spin)

Ancestral South American Death / Doom! TZOMPANTLI is a 10 (!!!) piece Death / Doom Metal band from Pomona, California. Their first full length “Tlazcaltiliztli” – released in 2022 – went somewhat under the radar, and perhaps the band – which at the time was a two-piece – was not really mature enough for the public to understand what they had to offer. “Beating The Drums Of Ancestral Force” is thus their second long-distance release, again released by the forward-thinking 20 Buck Spin. The offering is classic Death / Doom with elements that recall the tradition of the ancient indigenous population of South America. Prepare to be catapulted into a South American forest and assaulted by the demons and creatures that populate it. That is exactly the feeling you will have when listening to “Beating The Drums Of Ancestral Force” and I think that when a work is strongly evocative, it has achieved its goal. The presence of multiple alternating vocals offers a power that goes well with some of the more violent moments and some of the slower moments. The expanded line-up is certainly a distinguishing feature and the musical, but especially compositional skills are unquestionable. Despite the titles of the seven tracks being in some ancient indigenous language, all lyrics are in English. I really appreciate 20 Buck Spin’s ability to be able to explore and enhance bands that have the ardor to find elements that are not always easy to blend with the more classic Death Metal or Death / Doom Metal. I really suggest a listen to this album since TZOMPANTLI have the great ability to draw inspiration from popular music and play excellent Death / Doom without going out of their way to distort either one. Make sure to check TZOMPANTLI here and the label page, since they have some cool bundles:

Giulio Minto

Giulio Minto

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