November 02, 2008
Dallas, Texas based DIVINE EVE have reformed and are working on new material as well as preparing some live shows. Guitarist / vocalist Michael A. Sleavin kindly supplied us with the following, exclusive news: "We have been playing all the old tunes together since April 2008. Just been sharpening the blades and shaking the rust off these old sounds. At least as a trio, Tyson our original bass player is unable to commit but with his pagan blessings we are rehearsing with suitable replacements. So far we have had Jeremy Peto (Morgion) and Scott Cooksey (Azathtoth / Roller) playing some bass for us. Once we commence live performance the live line-up will be chosen. So far the songs sound bloody tight and more furious than ever! We are currently in Klearlight (Dallas, Texas) recording studios, recording 2 new tracks and 2 trax recorded on the "Divine Eve Cover album" by Crimson Relic. All the material sounds very promising and we are very pleased with the outcome. The recording will be available through us on Wolf Code Pagan Records / Sick Serenades mail order. All that is left to do on the recording is Xan’s and my vocals, effects, mix, and master which for now is TBA but within a couple of weeks time. This recording although available initially through us, we are looking for labels interested in releasing it and of course a good solid record label willing to support the underground music of DIVINE EVE." For more info on the band, check out