The Roaring Tanks Of Armageddon
(Evil Spell Records / Undercover Records)
This is pure, undistilled dirty Heavy Metal or fuckin’ thrashing Rock’n’Roll!! Any way you call it, Germany’s BLIZZARD go straight for your balls and guts on their new album "The Roaring Tanks Of Armageddon"!! Pure alcoholic madness, blood, vomit, whores and megatomic loud Metal!!! Citing MOTÖRHEAD, VENOM, WARFARE and CARNIVORE as their primary influences, BLIZZARD certainly don’t dissapoint their masters and are one of the best of this dirty, raunchy breed that aforementioned bands spat out. Another horde that comes to mind is Swedish GEHENNAH, but for me BLIZZARD embodies the uncontrolled, drunken, fighting spirit even better and with tracks like ‘Come On In Hell’, ‘Wardogs Of Metal’, ‘Time To Die’, ‘Whisky Demon’, ‘Whore Rock’ and closing opus ‘Kiss The Sun Before You Go’ you pretty much get what you expect and then more! To put simply, this music either gets your blood pumping, head banging, spit flying and fists punching or it doesn’t and in this case it fuckin does!! This album is sure to get any Metal party going and I’ll be playing it many more times! Open up your beers and dive into the Metal BLIZZARD!!! Contact: www.myspace.com/blizzardoffiziell
Mindaugas "Plix" Lapinskas
• BLIZZARD - The Return Of Pure Filth & Mayhem (Nathan Shapiro)
• BLIZZARD - Alcoholic Firetigers (Frank Stöver)
• BLIZZARD - Rock'n'Roll Overkill (Lem Lycurgus)
• BLIZZARD - Pure Filth And Mayhem (Julián Núñez )