Hurt Yourself And The Ones You Love
(Agonia Records)
FORGOTTEN TOMB is one of those bands, that changed their style quite drastic, if you compare their first releases with their last three albums. And the band is one of those, that are either being loved or hated. My first album from them was "Songs To Leave", so listening to their current style seems like listening to a totally different band, but a good one for sure. FORGOTTEN TOMB have gone through a similar development than KATATONIA, even though their styles are only a bit similar. But KATATONIA and their sound today is the best example, how to describe newer FORGOTTEN TOMB releases. They now play some kind of melancholic Dark Metal, with influences of their past, in form of Black Metal (vocals) and Death- / Doom Metal and nowadays also with some influences of Stoner Rock and Death’n’Roll. Sounds a bit weird, but works out very well. The opening track ‘Soulless Upheaval’ starts a bit more Black Metal like, before turning into a depressive Dark Metal song, with a brilliant catchy lead melody and solo in the last third and this opener is maybe the best track of the band so far! Very dark and groovy stuff, shrouded in a very dark robe. The band still has not lost their track, only their darkness nowadays is simply transported in a different way with a different approach but not less menacing. The second track ‘King Of The Undesirables’, is not less powerful or groovy and also very dark with some really dark vocals. ‘Bad Dreams Come True’ seems to be the musical nightmare of a Stoner Rocker, a really dark track as well. The title track ‘Hurt Yourself And The Ones You Love’ is the darkest one on the album and closer to their older stuff without being Black Metal. The band really understands to combine their past with several different new styles, without sounding wimpy or soft, as their main topic is still darkness in all forms and the music is still dark and melancholic. Considering, that "Hurt Yourself And The Ones You Love" is already album number eight, the creative output of Herr Morbid and his companions is still very high, and they are always open to complement their music with new facets. Fans of melancholic Dark Metal should check this out. More info at: www.facebook.com/official.forgotten.tomb, www.agoniarecords.com
Michael Kujawska
• FORGOTTEN TOMB - Under Saturn Retrograde (Luxi Lahtinen)
• FORGOTTEN TOMB - Songs To Leave (Maarten de Jong)
• FORGOTTEN TOMB - Love's Burial Ground (Edouard Vergriete)