Issue # 5
(56 pages, A4, printed, in German)
You’re a fan of Death and Doom Metal and bored of the typical cut and paste zines, with lots of skulls, guts and monsters or the high glossy ones with faceless computer layout? And you’re able to understand the German language? Well, then FROM BEYOND… might be an option for you to check out. Issue # 5 (subtitled "The Coffin Lid") has just been released and comes in full size (DIN A4) for the first time. The tasteful layout is very clean and basic, almost like a book and only offers a couple of pictures (mainly of graveyard sculptures) instead of the typical band shots, flyers and stuff. The whole presentation has a very mature approach to it and editor Ipp obviously tries to break boundaries (also when it comes to his interviews). This issue includes longer chats with bands like CRUCIAMENTUM, WITCHRIST, DENIAL OF GOD, SEPULCHRAL TEMPLE, MALTHUSIAN and Manuel Tinnemans of COMAWORX, plus three articles entitled "Die Teufelsbäder", "Die Teufelsbrücke" and "Totenkrone". There’s no reviews or anything like that at all in this issue. The printing quality is excellent and the zine definitely worth the requested 5,- Euro. Issue # 4 (subtitled "The Cerecloth") was already released back in 2013 and additionally came with a little (A6 sized) 24 pages book which features b/w pictures of various different graveyard sculptures combined with short quotes of famous names such as Kafka, Hesse, Brecht, Heine and van Gogh. The zine itself was already done in a similar way as # 5, with the only difference that it still came in half size (DIN A5). Bands that got interviewed were RAMESSES, HELHEIM, NETHILITH, IGNIVOMOUS, MANIPULATOR and HEAD OF THE DEMON. A longer article about graveyards plus 9 reviews completed the 64 pages. It’s still available for 3 Euro. Don’t know if you’ll get a discount if you’re ordering both together, but feel free to ask Ipp at the following email address: frombeyondipp@gmx.de or via Facebook: www.facebook.com/ipp.frombeyondfanzine
Frank Stöver