Final Wrath - The Early Hymns Of Lobotomy
(Vic Records)

At this point of time a novel approach when it comes to describing the Swedish Death Metal scene, results simply impossible. Needles to say that it has been one of the most influential scenes throughout the history of Metal. Countless bands have constituted an essential movement, that has created a trademark with huge repercussions all accross the globe. In the late ’80s bands like MERCILESS, MORBID, GRAVE, MACRODEX, DISMEMBER, NIHILIST / EMTOMBED, THERION, EDGE OF SANITY and many more, made part of a generation of bands that (still without the ones from the early ’90s) were able to impact the definition of what Death Metal was supposed to be. From this section arises LOBOTOMY, a band that was formed in 1989 (initially named RAPTURE) and that joined the army of the Swedish Death Metal realm. It was a time when other scenes like the American or the Finnish with their precursors (just as an example) were already doing their thing. So, LOBOTOMY emerged to say “present”. Still sticking to the sound of those days, LOBOTOMY was able to propose a name that immediately captured the attention of the Swedish Death Metal followers. So we get here this two compilation CDs “Final Wrath – The Early Hymns Of Lobotomy” from Vic Records, showcasing the work of the band through their demos, their first EP, some rehersals and live shows recorded from 1990 to 1993. CD 1 goes from “When Death Draws Near” (Demo 1990), “Promo 91” (Demo 1991), “Against The Gods” (Demo 1992) to “Nailed In Misery” (Demo 1993). CD 2 from “Hymn” (7″ EP 1993), “Live 1989” (as RAPTURE), “Rehearsal 1990” (as RAPTURE), “Rehearsal Tape 1990”, “Live in Akalla, Sweden 1991”, “Live 1992” to “Demo 1993”. So, this compilation is gathering the first three years of activity of the band. Enough to say that LOBOTOMY took their place in the vast movement of this scene that became a school and that is still keeping its roots and prestige. 32 songs, more than two hours to delight and travel with the band around their old school Death Metal vibe. Check them out! www.facebook.com/lobotomydeathmetal, www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063485232579

Oswaldo Gonzalez

Oswaldo Gonzalez

Related reviews / interviews:
LOBOTOMY - Satanic Speed Metal Ritual (Stefan Franke)

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