It seems that in the last few years the topic of war, especially the two World Wars, has become a very important one in the extreme Metal scene. Probably this is due to the general situation in the world with the increasing number of wars and armed conflicts. But that’s not what I am here to tell you about, it’s only because the fairly new PANZERKRIEG 666 are also dealing with that topic in their lyrics. Hailing from the North Rhine-Westphalian area of Germany, the band started as a duo with HvS and MvM in 2021 and already released two EPs (“Panzerkrieg 666” and “Wolfpack”) in the last two years. The year 2024 sees PANZERKRIEG 666 having their third EP ready, entitled “Westerweiterung”, the first one with drummer Machine. And, to keep up the war terminology, this record takes no prisoners. Raw, straight and often at high speed, PANZERKRIEG 666 thrash like the blackest hell. This is not really Black Metal according to the book, but an unpolished hybrid of Black, Thrash and even a little bit Classic Metal sung in German (mainly) and English. Of course this doesn’t sound too innovative, probably it isn’t meant to be so anyway. But it’s a refreshing and furious sixteen and a half minutes of thrashing your brains out. Songs like the rather catchy ‘My Uniform’ or the title track with some nice lyrics make “Westerweiterung” a record that anyone who likes it hard and rough (musically, of course) wishes for. Keep an eye on these guys! For more PANZERKRIEG 666 information please visit www.facebook.com/panzerkrieg666 or https://panzerkrieg666.bandcamp.com
Thomas Meyer