A Spiral Of Violence
Can’t really tell you whether Norway’s PICA FIERCE made a big step forward with their newest offering “A Spiral Of Violence” or not as Ramon used to review their first output “Urbania” back then. But one thing’s for sure: when it comes to the production they obviously have matured, cause the sound on the three featured new tracks is very good this time. Musically you’ll (still) hear a big influence of late Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P.) in the band’s writing, which means that fans of the final, rather technical oriented DEATH albums should definitely watch out for these guys! The vocals partly kind of remind me on a thrashier version of IMMORTAL’s Abbath, while the melodic leads every now and then should furthermore please the fans of the Gothenburg style. PICA FIERCE are still unique enough though not to end up in a certain category, but created something thrilling on their own. And they did that with a lot of class! Contact them for ordering information at this address: picafierce@hotmail.com
Frank Stöver
• PICA FIERCE - Urbania (Ramon Claassen )