Like some cool Thrash? PICA FIERCE from Kristiansund, Norway, seem to be a good address. But there is more about this young band than to be a KREATOR (mid period) clone: their stuff is also influenced by almighty DEATH and therefore progressive to a certain extend. The sound of this CD is not too good but acceptable and the band has more songs ready to record. Their goals are to play live a LOT, to live from their music one day and to be the best Metal band!!! Actually, they might end up not too far from this as they’re already very good indeed… so to the labels: contact PICA FIERCE asap! picafierce@hotmail.com
Ramon Claassen
Ramon Claassen
Related reviews / interviews:
• PICA FIERCE - Reptile (Frank Stöver )• PICA FIERCE - A Spiral Of Violence (Frank Stöver )