Rise Of The Goat
(Nuclear Winter Records)
Fans of DRAWN AND QUARTERED assemble! The reason is simple: PLAGUE BEARER is the brand new project of DRAWN AND QUARTERED members Kelly (guitars), Herb (vocals), Greg (bass) and Mike (drums, not a member of DRAWN AND QUARTERED). As a piece of history, before Kelly formed DRAWN AND QUARTERED, he had a band called PLAGUE BEARER which in a sense can be considered as DRAWN AND QUARTERED’s first “incarnation”. For some of you this review may stop at this point since the fact that we are dealing with a DRAWN AND QUARTERED-related release is by itself a good reason to actually buy this EP. For the rest of you, “Rise Of The Goat” is a killer EP that sounds so damn crushing, blasphemous, and violent that is impossible to ignore! It is more than evident that PLAGUE BEARER sound a lot like DRAWN AND QUARTERED still, in an even more sinister / malicious way making the overall output feel somehow different than a usual DRAWN AND QUARTERED release. I guess that’s the reason why the guys decided to make a separate project in order to express a somehow different side of their proper band. I am not sure what else can be said about this release, except that this is a must-have EP for all seriously into real Death Metal with some blackish edges or those who can’t get enough of DRAWN AND QUARTERED and want to add one more gem of pure Death Metal beauty in their collection. www.nuclearwinter.cjb.net
Manolis A.