Issue # 16
(68 pages, A4, printed, in English)
I don’t really have a problem with the fact that the newest issue of Metalion’s SLAYER MAG is lacking in the usual number of pages this time for the simple fact that it’s still a highly entertaining publication. Plus our crazy buddy from Norway finally managed to unleash his die hard Metal onslaught on a way more regular schedule by now, which is another extremely cool thing! All in all nothing has really changed, neither content nor layout wise, apart from the fact that Mr.Kristiansen currently is completely in Thrash heaven (again), which gets reflected in in-depth features on DESTRUCTION (8 pages!!), HOLY MOSES, DESASTER, PENTAGRAM (CHI), ALEX COLIN TOCQUAINE (AGGRESSOR), DEKAPITATOR, NECRODEATH, EXUMER / SUN DESCENDS etc. The front and backcover features a SODOM picture and democover respectively, while the remaining magazine pages were filled with brutal Black / Death Metal (ABORYM, IMPIETY, BLOODTHORN, HEMLOCK, SADISTIK EXEKUTION, NIFELHEIM, PENTACLE…) and a bunch of reviews, written in the nice’n’dirty Metalion way. My personal reading highlight in this 16th SLAYER issue nevertheless was the interview with DECEASED’s King Fowley – I found it extremely entertaining how this guy "spits on all those who chose to pose and thrashes with all the rest…" A real METAL MANIAC, indeed!! Don’t know how much Metalion charges for this issue, but feel free to contact him at: metalion@online.no or via snail mail: SLAYER MAG, c/o Metalion, P.O. Box 447, 1703 Sarpsborg, Norway. Long live SLAYER MAGAZINE!
Frank Stöver
• SLAYER MAG - Issue # 18 (Frank Stöver)
• SLAYER MAG - Issue # 17 (Frank Stöver)
• SLAYER MAG - Issue # 15 (Leif Jensen)
• SLAYER MAG - Issue # 14 (Frank Stöver)