For Cold Shades
TIMOR ET TREMOR (translated fear and trembling) have released two albums (plus a demo and an EP) since their foundation in 2005, making the band from Germany an insiders’ tip. But with "For Cold Shades" they made a remarkable breakthrough. To cut a long story short, the Hessians simply combined the best elements of Black and Dark Metal and forged a completely rounded piece of art. The album starts with a thunderstorm, maybe not the most clever idea. My first apprehension was another dispensable and mediocre Pagan Metal album. But just a few seconds later I was fascinated by the guitar tunes which set in. And still, after listening more than a dozen times to the seven songs (plus intro) I am still mesmerized. You can tune in to any song at any moment and will be overwhelmed. By the varied and expressive work of the vocalist and by the complex, but in no way irritating songwriting. Fortunately the four guys completely abstain from using keyboards or obscure medieval instruments. No lutes and flutes, instead well-crafted guitar work with excellent melodies. More than once I sensed influences of NAGLFAR, UNANIMATED, DARK FUNERAL and DISSECTION. The Dark Metal influences are represented by clear singing, which means real singing, not just those notorious "Ooh-Ahh" chantings. Musically the band tries to expand the mentioned style of Black Metal by using more slow paced, simple structured structures with focus on guitar soloing. One may call this progressive, although I do not like this term, because since every utter nonsense is labeled progressive or avantgarde those terms have a negative connotation. To avoid such problems and pigeonholing in general, TIMOR ET TREMOR use the term "Chattic Black Metal", which hint at the Chatti, a Germanic tribe settling in the area of the band’s hometown. Whatever you may call it, another big influence seems to be AGATHODAIMON (they split-up in 2014). Without keyboards, but with that very special dynamic stream of guitars melodies. The more I think about it the more I am convinced TIMOR ET TREMOR are Germany’s best Dark Metal band. www.facebook.com/pages/timor-et-tremor/129020910504390, www.trollzorn.de
Mirco Szymyslik