Devotion To The Sea
(Chaos Records)
The second full-length by Spanish based WOMB is a tough piece of work for the listener. Doom Metal to the core, nothing but guitars, bass guitar, drums and vocals. Not a single slice of influences from other genres, just Doom Metal. The first few listening sessions I felt nothing but boredom. But for the next time I was willing to get involved with the desperate and dark atmosphere. If you have the stamina, which every Doom Metal fan should have since this genre is not suitable for easy-listening, you will definitely be rewarded. Rewarded by some caressing melodies, best performed on the title track. Rewarded by a sound far away from being sterile. Rewarded by music evoking emotions concerning the dark, rejected situations in life. The main difference from the sub-genre Funeral Doom is the complete miss of any Black Metal elements and, although the atmosphere is not comfortable at all, thoughts of suicide and total hopelessness are absent. To me the nearly one hour long "Devotion To The Sea" felt like being in difficult situation, being sad and depraved but at the same moment knowing a new dawn will rise. Sounds pretty stereotype, but I do not care. Some listeners may have problems with the vocals, since they are performed in a more Death Metal way, in other words grunts. No clean singing at all, but if you are used to this kind of performance you will not mind. All supporters of genuine Doom Metal should by all odds visit: www.facebook.com/doomwomb, www.chaos-records.com
Mirco Szymyslik