Time To Rise
How often do you lean back in your favorite chair with a good glass of whisky and 80s Speed Metal blasting at full volume in your headphones? Hopefully often, as not much music has glowed more in the dark, than that specific genre in that specific decade. There were a good bunch of American bands setting the tone and those bands are what the guys in WOSLOM are raised on. A spanking new album sounding like it was written and recorded back then (and remastered last year). Such nostalgic trips down memory lane lead by new bands are seldomly something that good and fulfilling, though I have to admit after a good bunch of listens to "Time To Rise" that WOSLOM manages the task and makes thrashing Speed Metal in their own manner, with a spot on 80s feel, without it sounding too rehashed and without life. The intensity is high and the guys deliver their Metal very energetic and full of faith in their mission, a mission to make my head bang and conquer new kids to the glorious times of Metal and get them into Speed Metal again, and I’m sure this album will conquer some. Fierce riffing and a lot of whining guitars, great melodic dual leads and whammy bar. Straight ahead drumming with a good drive and a heavy and pounding punishing bass. On top of it all, the well performed scream, perfectly fitting for a scene like this. A scream that could fit into most Speed Metal bands of the genre’s heyday, so energetic, hard hitting, edgy and with different small quirks that makes it fit the different songs. And group-choruses, oh yes, something we can’t get enough of! There isn’t much new about WOSLOM or their music, though they deliver their Metal spot on and with pure energy and love for the genre, I gotta succumb to that. An album driven by energy, love for the masters of the 80s and great musicianship, what else do we need? Get more info about the art of shredding at: www.facebook.com/woslom
Anders Peter Jørgensen