April 24, 2019
Germany’s STELLAR MASTER ELITE have just released a third song from their upcoming fourth full-length "Hologram Temple". You can stream ‘Ad Infinitum’ at this location. The album was recorded at the band’s own studio while drums, mix and mastering were done together with Markus Stock at Klangschmiede Studio E. It will be released on May 03, 2019 via Unholy Conspiracy Deathwork. More about STELLAR MASTER ELITE at www.facebook.com/smemusic
German Death Metallers ABYTHIC have been signed by Xtreem Music for the release of their second album, which is currently being mixed. The album will be entitled "Conjuring The Obscure" and was recorded at the Flashback Recordings studios under the direction of T.S. (drummer of SUFFOCATE BASTARDS). Guitarist MDB commented on the album as follows: "This new album is divided into 4 chapters. For each chapter a different singer sings, with each chapter the whole equipment was changed, with each chapter we play a different style. In Chapter 1 we play more classic Swedish styled Death Metal very inspired by old GRAVE ("You’ll Never See…" era), in chapter 2 we play more Finish styled Death Metal like old BELIAL, DEMIGOD… in chapter 3 we switch back to Sweden… but this time more into Death / Black Metal very inspired by NECROPHOBIC… and on the 4th chapter we are very inspired by US Death Metal like old DEICIDE and MALEVOLENT CREATION ("The Fine Art Of Murder" era). So… we have a very dynamic album with a lot of surprises. I think we created something unique in this genre… especially by changing the styles and productions within the album. T.S. is also the drummer on this ABYTHIC album. Normally I played drums in the past, but this time I’m playing all guitars on this. On the previous releases I also wrote the whole material for the band. On this new ABYTHIC album you will find members from bands like: RECKLESS MANSLAUGHTER, SELFDEVOURED, ANAM, ex – INGURGITATING OBLIVION and SUFFOCATE BASTARD." "Conjuring The Obscure" will be released after the summer. More about ABYTHIC at www.facebook.com/abythic
Wellington, New Zealand based Black / Death Metallers HERESIARCH have just released a compilation CD of earlier material entitled "Incursions" via Krucyator Productions. It features the "Obsecrating The Global Holocaust" demo and the two EPs "Hammer Of Intransigencethe" and "Wælwulf". All tracks were newly mastered by Luke Finlay at Primal Mastering Studio. All additional HERESIARCH information at www.facebook.com/heresiarchcult
Swedish THIS GIFT IS A CURSE have just released a second track from the band’s upcoming album "A Throne Of Ash". You can check out ‘Blood Is My Harvest’ right here. The album will be released via Season Of Mist on June 14, 2019. All further band information at www.facebook.com/thisgiftisacurse