July 30, 2024
Portuguese Death Metallers PHENOCRYST have just premiered the track ‘Astonishing Devastation’ at this location. It will be featured on the band’s debut full length “Cremation Pyre”, which will be released via Blood Harvest Records today. The previously revealed ‘Pyres Of The Altar’ can still be streamed over here. The complete “Cremation Pyre” tracklist reads as follows: ‘Pinnacle Of Death’, ‘Astonishing Devastation’, ‘Pyres Of The Altar’, ‘Incandescent Debris’, ‘Embers Of An Ancient Fire’, ‘Volcanic Winter’, ‘Fogo Nas Entranhas’ and ‘Burial Swamps’. www.facebook.com/phenocryst
German Black Metallers AGRYPNIE have just released a video for ‘Blut’ (featuring PG of GROZA) over here. The track will be featured on the band’s upcoming seventh full length “Erg”, which will be released on September 13, 2024 via AOP Records. The previously revealed album track ‘Aus Rauchlosem Feuer’ (featuring Phil Jonas of SECRETS OF THE MOON) can still be checked out at this location. “Erg” will feature the following tracks: ‘Aus Rauchlosem Feuer’, ‘Meer Ohne Wasser’, ‘Sturm’, ‘Blut’, ‘Entität’, ‘Stunde Des Wolfes’, ‘Geister’ und ‘Unter Sandessen Und Verscharrt’. www.facebook.com/agrypnie.official