Promo 2003
Allright! Here’s a brutal Deathgrind band who evolves in my suburb for about 10 years. From what I understand they weren’t so pleased with some of their previous recordings so I didn’t hear much about them until last year; but seeing them live one time I’m quite familiar with their music. Their style is brutal Deathgrind along the lines of some lastest MORBID ANGEL releases ("Formulas Fatal…" and "Gateways…"). You’ll understand there are a bunch of heavy and quite obscure riffs here! But there are also a bunch of blastbeats! I also happen to think about DEVILYN (last CD: "Artefact’), OSSUARY INSANE and a bit of old MALEVOLENT CREATION during the listening. The drumming is my favorite part of this three track promo: tight as fuck, punishing and quite varied! My reproaches are they remain too long on some heavy parts, and some of these heavy riffs sound quite demonstrative. I’m not a big fan of the MORBID ANGEL releases quoted before so I can’t say much, but this isn’t one of these bands who record a pro CD only after a demo and two years of unserious rehearsals! The formation sounds pro and seems ready to record a full-length! A six track demo will be recorded in a few months. Maniacs of obscure brutal Death: keep a darkened eye open on AMETHYSTE!
Gabriel S.