Loudun La Maudite
(Hells Headbangers)
Whaaat?! Where am I? I can swear I was in a civilised world a few minutes ago, but now… I am happy I can still write sensible words. I dig into my memory – there I was, in my living room putting some music on. After this – only barbarity, only animal senses working, no brain to guide me through this abomination. I want to undress myself and cover with the blood eating raw flesh. This is the effect of listening to ARPHAXAT, a band hailing from France, consisting of only two members, one of them the ex – DEATHSPELL OMEGA founder. Although, this could lead readers to a wrong track. The music on ‘Loudun La Maudite” is diametrically different from the aforementioned band. There is no intellect here, no reason, no future for anything fragile and sophisticated. This is Black Metal of the most primitive kind that reminds me, at least in spirit, to inhumans called CULT OF DAATH. Influences cited by the band are VON, old BATHORY and S.V.E.S.T., but don’t follow too near – this is some original stuff. The Metal here is played without guitar, with only two bass guitars and drums drilling holes in your humanity. Vocal attack is cavernous and spacy in some strange way. We have some melody also, melody almost epic in a primitive way. So if you are a sensible person you will gather from all that I have said that this is good music and by doing so you will be right. This is the sound you would listen to in reality if you steal someone’s time travelling machine and find yourself in the deep past that no history book ever mentions because it is just not right. Just not right. Recommended! Go and buy this record! But first listen at http://arphaxat.hellsheadbangers.com.
Branko Matijaševic