Epitaph For Life
(Satanath Records)
The Russian ARTIFICUM NEX and their first full length “Epitaph For Life” are a perfect example for complete uselessness. It all starts with a keyboard- / piano intro heard a thousand times before, only better most of the time. After that, the band offers a kind of Black Metal that was played often enough before: mainly in mid tempo with some blasting parts. The riffs are exchangeable, the leads are stolen from better bands and the vocals are trivial. To be honest, this whole album is so damn trivial, I don’t even think it’s shit. Boring, unimportant and redundant are much better words to describe this musical nothing. So before I waste more of my breath and wear off the keys of my board, I’m gonna leave you with the links that lead to nothingness: www.facebook.com/pages/artificum-nex/297813000382837, http://artificumnex.bandcamp.com or www.satanath.com
Thomas Meyer