Two Pipes To Heaven
(More Hate Productions)
Russia has constantly been showing some potential for many years already as far as the country’s whole vast underground Metal scene is concerned. ATOLL NERAT are just one example out of those many bands coming out of the Russian territory of Metal that has the needed, burning passion to make things happening for them, as their 2nd album titled "Two Pipes To Heaven", proves it so well. ATOLL NERAT’s music is made of symphonic and Gothic-tinged Black Metal mostly – and there’s absolutely very much passion involved with all their doings on this particular record in question. Their stuff is truly well made all around, and some comparisons to their country mates NOCTURNAL MORTUM, have been thrown in the air, but for the right reasons, I would say. They do have a tiny ghost of NOCTURNAL MORTUM lifted up on their shoulders but I personally cannot find it as any disturbing element at all. There’s definitely lots of instrumental skills and power, plus ability to create some nice capturing atmospheres in their songs on the record. ATOLL NERAT keep their songs constantly on a multi-layered level, and they are also able to switch from fast tempo changes to slower, more atmospheric sections quickly, without loosing any professional edge to their stuff. Keeping all this in mind what I said earlier, I personally think a song like ‘Witch (Part 3) (Bishop’s Death)’ represents ATOLL NERAT at their best really; diverse and innovative sounding, not afraid of trying something a bit more unorthodox either as far as their song structures are concerned. All these aforementioned points make ATOLL NERAT a pretty unique act all in all, and hence I cannot do much else but recommend also you to check them out.
Luxi Lahtinen