(Nordavind Records)
This duo from Finland is not a band that makes it easy for the listener… Their first output “Ne Deus Crede”, an often postponed EP from 2007 that was released in 2012, was completely titled in Latin. On their first full length release, ATRUM TEMPESTAS name their songs in French. Since most readers probably haven’t heard the name ATRUM TEMPESTAS before, I need to mention here that it is the band that recent CATAMENIA singer Juha-Matti Perttunen formed together with Jarmo Kylmäaho. Both members play any instrument, no diversification here, and they are committed to atmospheric Black Metal. So far, so good… so boring? Yes, boring is a good word to describe “Néant”. Three long to very long songs here that range from slow to medium paced. Usually this could be pretty interesting, if it wasn’t just spiced with one or two nice ideas in the whole running time. Most of the riffs and melodies sound too random to leave an impression. And the use of acoustic guitars or a piano won’t make it much better, as these instruments sound random as well. ‘Nuff said. For more info check out www.facebook.com/pages/atrum-tempestas/157661770911078 or the label www.nordavindrecords.com
Thomas Meyer