Macabrum Bestia Ex Abyssus
(Moribund Records)

Slovakia’s BLEEDING FIST is one of the newest offensive movements made by the long-running American label known as Moribund Records. They are widely recognized to be the purely underground hunters, always stalking new, savage and unpolished talent from all around the globe. This has definitely worked pretty well throughout the years otherwise they probably wouldn’t be around. This time they offer a quite short affair of 20+ minutes of a deranged kind of Death / Black Metal taken to levels of bestiality that some others like BLASPHEMY, HELLHAMMER, IMPIETY have done with much more class ages ago. There is also a strong BESTIAL WARLUST ingredient that for some reason kept my interest somehow. This couldn’t be perceived as a brilliant release on all fronts but perhaps something that can be tracked down and potentially become a must-have. What that really saves the day for BLEEDING FIST is the production tweaks they deployed on these tunes. The bleak ambience, disturbing vibe and last but not least chilling darkness are all there. For the casual underground Black Metal aficionado this might be his / her next favorite. More info at, Catch a copy here:

Mario Cubero

Mario Cubero

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