The Poisoner
(Abysmal Sounds)

Over the last 15 years since their formation, CAULDRON BLACK RAM released a handful of different things: a demo, two splits, two albums and now, at last, something new to follow up 2010’s “Slubberdegullion” album. The material on this EP ranges from the mid-paced to dark, doom-laden passages that lend credence to the band’s name; it does sound like something wicked bubbles away in a cauldron forged with evil in mind. ‘Corpse Chariot’, for instance will have your fist pounding the air then after a while you’ll return that fist to your side and sit, mesmerized, by this Australian band’s incredible sounds. On songs such as ‘Beast In The Brass’ there’s a rather long open string section that sounds like your everyday garden variety Black Metal, but don’t worry: the band don’t stray from the bizarre, dark style that comprises every other track on this wonderful EP. If there’s one song on this recording that typifies the sound better than any other it would probably be the last track, ‘Infernal Interjections’. Sepulchral vocals, an oppressive tide of darkness and saturated with morbidity, sampling this song would be an excellent way to introduce yourself to CAULDRON BLACK RAM before taking the plunge and buying their stuff. Truly this is one of the better EPs to grace 2011. Absolutely 100% cool!,,

Nathan Shapiro

Nathan Shapiro

Related reviews / interviews:
CAULDRON BLACK RAM - Slaver (David Simonton)
CAULDRON BLACK RAM - Slubberdegullion (Thomas Ehrmann)

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